Malte Kliemann
Malte Kliemann
Origin tests in `prediction-markets` and other pallets is very unspecific. We just verify that a single `Sudo` origin can call all restricted calls. However, this leaves room for error: What...
When slashing bonds, we currently just slash the entire bond. This might be excessive in many circumstances. For example, depending on how bad an advised market it, we might want...
The purpose of this is to allow users to make changes according to the Advisory Committee's comments.
Some of the changes to the `court` pallet are made in accordance to the recent changes to the specification of the `DisputeApi`: - Let `on_resolution` return `None` if none of...
[prediction-markets] Audit and fix weight calculation for `admin_destroy_market` and other functions
The weight calculation of `admin_destroy_market` seems off. I'm particularly wondering about this: Other concerns may be found here: We should also not forget to use a proper weight...
Seems like this could lead to clogged up storage.
The `swaps` pallet currently raises some questionable errors, for example `MathApproximation`. These seem very uninformative. For example, if I call `pool_join` with a small amount of liquidity (in comparison to...