I just overwrote the template. But would be cool if there was a setting for that.
Hey, Apologies for pushing another issue on here. I really need Rosetta to work without Google API calls. Like mentioned above, in the absence of a setting, I overwrote the...
> @sorasful Thank you for your suggestions! They were all justified so I implemented them as you suggested. Great stuff, what's happened to this cool enhancement? I got that nginx...
> I think it might be because this seems like a very niche application. I just added it because I was using it for my own server. The repository seems...
Yes, it's very odd indeed. When I enable redirects, I get ~25 sec in the first run, all subsequent reloads come in at 7 sec. All significantly higher than the...
Anything I can provide to allow for debugging? I can see why the redirect panel is off by default. I essentially run Django 3.0.5 with Django-CMS 3.7.2 in the cookiecutter-django...
After some more testing: If I 1) comment out 'debug_toolbar.panels.redirects.RedirectsPanel' in DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS 2) leave all other panels in with DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS 3) comment out "DISABLE_PANELS": ["debug_toolbar.panels.redirects.RedirectsPanel"], Then all seems to be...
Tried uninstalling/rebuilding/installing ... gulp-imagemin, node-gyp, ... didn't help. On node 13.1.0 and npm 6.14.8
@silau2005 Your article saved me. What a beautiful short-term solution. 多谢你!真没想到django-hvad到现在还没更新过。