Mattia Almansi
Mattia Almansi
I'm not sure whether we should add a note somewhere in the documentation/docstrings. Other than that, this PR is ready for review. cc: @joshmoore
> @malmans2 : I don't think I can update your branch with the latest origin/main. Could you do so to get all the tests passing? Done! Let me know if...
Sounds good to me. Just one thought about adding kwargs to xarray functions. Maybe it's easier if we always use the same kwarg, either a bool (like `use_cf`) or a...
I'd like a method to subsample a dataset preserving the native grid. I.e., after subsampling a dataset, the relative size/position of all axes does not change, and therefore all `SGRID`...
If `preserve_padding=False`, it would be nice to update the `SGRID` attributes accordingly.
Yes, I think this would be very useful. I do it for most of my model output as the timeless measures are usually stored in separate netcdf files. A couple...
> I think a call some time in the next two weeks would be good to sort this out, and make a plan. Good idea!
Ohh my bad, I missed that part in the documentation. Yes I think it makes sense to only use the variables in the coordinates attribute. Thanks! I'll start the FAQ...
I'm wondering whether it would be a good idea to retain cell measures that are not defined by CF conventions. I.e., apply the same behavior of `coordinates` to `cell_measures`, where...
~~Actually, this would apply when I create a "sub-Dataset", like `sub_ds =[[standard_name]]`.~~ Edit: Nevermind, it would apply to both DataArrays and sub-Datasets pulled out from a Dataset. In the...