Rodion Malinovsky
Rodion Malinovsky
### Package and Environment Details (include every applicable attribute) * Package Name/Version: **boost_regex /1.69** * Operating System+version: **Linux Ubuntu 18.10** * Compiler+version: **clang 7** * Docker image: **conanio/gcc7** * Conan...
At the moment I see gtest is configured from log archive which is stored in the project root. It makes troubles in case external package managers. I'm playing with vcpkg...
m option in --c++-kinds=+p-cdefglmnstuvx removes "virtual overriden" methods from the ctags output. Removal of this option does't help.
In the file `examples/asio/yield.hpp` there is the line ``` thread_local yield_t yield{}; ``` So if this yield.hpp included in two different cpp files then there will be link issue. If...