No, I didnt If you will find any solution then do share plz Thanks
@adnanraja i need this functionality. can you please send it to me at: [email protected]
@adnanraja can you plz try to send it on: [email protected] adnanraja [email protected] wrote: > @maliknabilitfailstosendtoyourprovidedemail.Pleasedoublecheckifitisavalidemailaddress.ReplytothisemaildirectlyorviewitonGitHub.
:( Can you please share dropbox link?
yes, Kindly send on the following id: [email protected]
Got it. Thanks a lot. :)
@adnanraja Is there any way to set fixed height and width of crop rect mask in this lib?? I want to set fixed width and height each time I call...
Yes I tried changing it but of no use On Jun 24, 2015 5:36 PM, "adnanraja" [email protected] wrote: > Did you try below way? > > intent.putExtra(CropImage.ASPECT_X, 100); > intent.putExtra(CropImage.ASPECT_Y,10...
@kvarela have you resolved this??