Hi, I am trying to use predictPlp() to create predictions on a test cohort on PLP v5.0.5. However the run is hanging and the predictions are never generated. Could you...
Is there a way to implement the Bayesian Optimization method of hyperparameter tuning in the (R-based) PLP pipeline?
Hi I have a PLE study where the basic aim is to compare the groups with blood glucose level above and below 7.7. I get the following warning when I...
I am trying to obtain the cohort covariates with the createCohortCovariateSettings() function from the PatientLevelPrediction package. However, I am running into the following error when I execute the getPlpData() function:...
Hi I am trying to connect to the pgadmin database using the createConnectionDetails() and connect() function from the DatabaseConnector package. However, the system is hanging and is unable to connect...