Ali Ayas

Results 42 comments of Ali Ayas

We can call these syntaxes modular. There is a `repository` feature for syntax definition. It works this way: 1. You define your feature in the repository and give it an...

Let's keep the bug open for some time too see what other people think. Syntax development consumes too much time, so we should choose the right path in the beginning....

We now have plans to support Pandoc markdown. See #167

This can only be done by ST. We can keep the issue open.

Thanks. To keep it simple, current buffer is enough I think. If there is selection, only selection, if not, whole buffer.

I'd like to add this link _just for reference_: It's a successful converter written in JS. I don't know if it may help us though. Edit: By updating the...

I had a personal plan for task list improvements throughout the plugin. However everything needs to be discussed before instead of directly jumping implementing. That will take some time I...

Not very special notes. Key points are: - Style of the completed tasks. Also should list markers(`*`, `+`, `-`) be dimmed too? - A consensus for the keybinding. - It...

Also we might be inspired by the [PlainTasks]( and [sublime-t0d0]( plugins.

When the keybinding pressed on a regular line or a regular list item, it should be transformed into an unchecked task list item, preserving the line text. This should work...