Ali Ayas

Results 42 comments of Ali Ayas

It's not our addition, but Sublime Text's native fature. So you can find it in ST's native default keymap file. What I proposed in this issue was simply improving that...

There has been an interest on Pandoc markdown. If you are willing to work on this, then it is OK for me. In the end, I can merge it to...

> 4. Finally, we can use different color schemes based on file types so why bother unifying it. Personally it is OK for me; but it is understandable for users...

Maybe we should close this issue, because now I tend to think this is utopia. Our themes and scope names are tighly coupled. We can't expect AsciiDoc etc use the...

My fault if not clear but this issue was about building a bridge between ST and prose text plugins (markdown, asciidoc etc) So that all those plugins would use same...

Hmm, thanks for reporting. In order to implement this, we need to add _PHP markdown extra_ as a new flavor. For GFM, that's the expected behaviour. As I check the...

Do you mean we should implement it in "Markdown GFM"? If that is the case, I think it's not an appropriate solution. We need to sell what we advertise.

Syntaxes in ST are pretty complicated. They can import each other for example; but it's unbelieveably easy to break things while fixing other things. And everything is regex based. Does...

OTOH maybe we can create an _all in one_ syntax that will support many flavors at once until the possible extend.