Malcolm Cook

Results 43 comments of Malcolm Cook

if you do this: another useful format is that of org-mode, which is `[[url][text]]` and another is as html link(s)

some OrgDb do not even have a SYMBOL - for example Yeast (SacCer) org.Sc.sgd.db - causing this condition to trip. Is there a recommended workaround in such cases? Perhaps a...

I am currently faced with exactly the Use Case suggested... I am loading blast hits as gff and want to navigate through them and contrast them to (Maker based) gene...

Thanks for explaining some of the technical challenges of implementing this. FWIW, (ignoring the relative difficulties of alternate implementations), IMO, the ability of the user to scan rapidly through many...

Aha - understood & good news - and, I now do hope you get that chance to play with the context menus. BTW - another approach to my Use Case...

@cmdcolin - I've used such linking to fine success already, thanks. I was perhaps not clear. I wonder if someone has configured a tripal site with embedded blast against hosted...

Nathan! Excellent example! Just the sort of integration I was thinking might exist in the wild already. Thanks. I’m looping in Sofia Robb, our GMOD/Tripal site developer, in case she...

@keiranmraine - IGV supports forward/backward by feature in "the current track" (chosen and highlighted on LHS panel) - only one track at a time - it meets all my use...

Thx. package-refresh-contents fixed a few things, but I would up rebuilding scimax under emacs 26 anyway. I'll report new experience on this issue, if you don't mind. scimax seemed to...

Coming in late to the conversation… have you already been advised that you must be careful when swapping versions of emacs to “do the right thing” with you .el files....