Geez.... i love his work though!! i got the same problem.. was trying so hard to figure why i had this as well... Any suggestions would be very well appreciated!!
Hi @meiguoofa !! good afternoon from Singapore!! Sorry for the late reply.. been trying out what u said.. but to no avail, erms.. do you mind explaining what u did...
heyy!! hmm the is as shown: from .base_options import BaseOptions class TrainOptions(BaseOptions): def initialize(self, parser): BaseOptions.initialize(self, parser) parser.add_argument('--display_freq', type=int, default=10000, help='frequency of showing training results on screen') parser.add_argument('--display_ncols', type=int,...
Oh im almost there! i did as per instructed.. but when running python --name siggraph_caffemodel --mask_cent 0 I get: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 54, in...
oh yes, i realized its a numpy thing, installed many different numpy packages! But still to no avail! hmmm may i know what numpy version you were using? Because now,...
yes! definitely!! im trying to solve this problem as well. But if i do, i will DEFINITELY update you! rest assured! you have my word! ^.^ On Thu, Nov 26,...
@meiguoofa hey i managed to get it working! For the 3 you just need to run it in python 2.7
You're very welcome! Thank you too for helping!! ^.^ On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 1:16 PM meiguoofa wrote: > Great job!!!!! Thanks 😊 > > — > You are...
hi from Singapore @msgifts ! By any chance would you kindly happen know where he got his csv from! cos mitre's output is in .json
Hi @nitinpi0210, I am able to run to ~block 7, my code is here: But im facing error with Tensorflow, I put it here for you guys, Would really...