Sergei Malafeev
Sergei Malafeev
if method with `@JmsListener` annotation has argument different than `javax.jms.Message` then `JmsListenerAspect` doesn't intercept a call and tracing is not working for such consumer.
Looking at JMS/RabbitMQ integrations looks like Kafka also requires some bean post processing hacks :)
@adurai81 in Consumer you can get SpanContext from ConsumerRecord: ``` SpanContext spanContext = TracingKafkaUtils.extractSpanContext(record.headers(), tracer); ``` Then 1. you can use this spanContext as a parent for new span which...
@adurai81 yes, I propose to overload send API in TracingKafkaProducer: ``` public Future send(ProducerRecord record, SpanContext parentSpanContext) { ``` So provided `parentSpanContext` will be used as parent for producer span....
@adurai81 let's use this issue for that
@zrashwani new method should have parameter `Collection spanDecorators`. That's way to set additional tags.
@redzippo1 PR is welcome
@redzippo1 I'm not sure that I understand what you want to achieve. Primary goal of concurrent rule is to propagate active span into new thread. So if you have an...