Hi ShinNil , really appreciate your contributions towards the Godot world where resources are scarce. So I wanted to integrate to my game and I press on the button and...
[logcat.txt]( here you go Sir, took me time because I am very new to Android system, I started with godot. Please let me know if this would do it.
Hey Shin-NiL/Godot-Android-Share-Plugin , Im unable to open the issues page on godot , so I am attaching it here, the '-s godot' doesnt have any output and the godot share...
I figured out the waiting for debugger, here are the godot logs . I dont thing they are much help full. Manas Kumar +1 519 722 8143 On Mon, Jul...
I figured out the problem , it was actually that I was using a higher version build. Turns out if I use the 3.2.2 , it works fine. Thank you...