Max Plotnikov
Max Plotnikov
@mifi since You're discussing FFMPEG builds we're using these: And they're always bringing a warning to console because `editly` complains on 'Unknown version string' It's because they don't have...
Friendly hint: we're using for getting frames from Fabric.js rendered with SSR. But IMHO for `editly` it looks like overhead.
@tan-tan-kanarek could be also useful if You add `onProgress` callback function to pass overall progress output to higher level.
Same issue here - as far as I can tell I'm having issues during extract-video-frames execution. @transitive-bullshit can You please tell why do You have '-pix_fmt', 'rgba' output option? And...
Also @transitive-bullshit why you're not using Yours to extract frames? I see there are additional output options regarding fps and '-vsync', 'vfr'? Please can You tell me why do...
@gre can You take a look into that? Really want to help to fix `npm` builds
Had the same issue - I guess problem is inside CRA configs and that Babel doesn't transpile node_modules with JSX code. So I had to get this lib inside my...
:+1: for new Gl-Transitions support