Yes please, really need this feature as well!
> I found a fix to build with correct (arm64) simulator runtime on Apple Silicon > > in your `` add > > ``` > if [ "$SDK" = "iphoneos"...
> Hi guys, just here to ask what's the current state of this. With JSI do we have a way to use runtime in a thread safe manner? In my...
> @maksimlya hi, in the end i found this guy on youtube that showed how to do that. Basically you have to implement your own thread pool to queue the...
On react native 0.75.1 after enabling new arch + bridgeless this got completely broken. The above example throws: ``` {"stack":"Error: Creating blobs from 'ArrayBuffer' and 'ArrayBufferView' are not supported\n at...
Ok, understood, thx for answer. There's also some other performance differences I've noticed, I posted it in react-native project but they said I should look into library's authors, altho I...
I am now trying to workaround the TextEncoder via JSI/Golang and if it goes well then might attempt to do same with cheerio, altho that one might be bulky.
TextEncoder works really fast now, as of react-native 0.74.2 TextDecoder is not yet supported I guess, but I have my JSI solution for now which is sufficient enough for me.
@ospfranco any idea how much work is to add windows support?
@ospfranco Hi, I can try adding windows support. Can you tell me how you built the jni libs(android), .a files(ios)? I noticed you have 2 versions, I did not find...