Code Monkey King
Code Monkey King
Hello, I'm trying to boot linux ELKS via 8086tiny but the boot stops like this: `ELKS.......................................................................................................................................................... ELKS Setup ....L0831C3AH00S0A t02D0 f0FC6 d12BA Direct console, scan kbd 80x25 emulating ANSI (3...
Hi Keyhan! I'm very impressed with this project! I've developed my own tiny OS inspired by bootos. The only 'development environment' it supports is a hex editor that allows to...
I found these perft results when was testing move generator in my xiangqi engine: ``` rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR w depth nodes checks captures 1 44 0 2 2 1920 6 72 3...
Hello @lightvector, this is probably a wrong place but I'd like to share my work related to KataGo: It's a draft of querying bare KataGo network (quite an old...