Matti Kortelainen
Matti Kortelainen
@pcanal Did ROOT get an ability to find out if a local file is on (CERN) EOS, and in which case it prepends the file path with `root://` (or similar)...
This workaround seems to work too ```py process.add_(cms.Service("AdaptorConfig", native=cms.untracked.vstring("root"))) ```
Setting output file as `file:` does **not** have an impact.
> Did ROOT get an ability to find out if a local file is on (CERN) EOS, and in which case it prepends the file path with `root://` (or similar)...
@pcanal Is there a way to choose the behavior per `TFile`? (I'm thinking like allowing this redirection for input files, but disabling it for output files) From the PR I'd...
assign alca, reconstruction, upgrade
type root
@pcanal Any thoughts?
assign alca