Matti Kortelainen
Matti Kortelainen
assign analysis,code,db,dqm,generators,l1,upgrade (starting with categories whose legacy EDModules are being run in IBs)
As a step towards being able to change the warning message to an exception (goal is by 13_0_0) I gathered EDModules listed by the warning messages in full runTheMatrix and...
@jfernan2 Those two links are largely up to date. In addition, the different module types (globla/stream/one) are documented in and links in there. Some general rules of thumb *...
@jfernan2 Looking at the specific cases you listed * `EcalMonitorPrescaler ecalPhysicsFilter` could be migrated to `edm::global::EDFilter` when using atomics for the counters (or without atomics to `edm::one` with `RunCache`, but...
Around 2022-05-02 the deprecation annotations in CMSDEPRECATED_X were updated such that they should now flag reliably all classes that derive from legacy EDModule (or at least more reliably than earlier)....
I updated the list of legacy EDModules still being run as part of runTheMatrix or unit tests for sure (there can be more that my log parsing approach fails to...
> For > > > DQM/BeamMonitor: > > > > * AlcaBeamMonitorClient AlcaBeamMonitorClient > > @dzuolo can you fix this please? @tvami @dzuolo Any news on this? Thanks!
> ``` > DQMServices/Demo: > - TestLegacyEDAnalyzer testlegacy > - TestLegacyFillRunEDAnalyzer testlegacyfillrun > - TestLegacyFillLumiEDAnalyzer testlegacyfilllumi > - TestLegacyHarvester testlegacyharvester > ``` @cms-sw/dqm-l2 I suppose these modules could just be...