Markus Binsteiner

Results 9 issues of Markus Binsteiner

Really interesting project, thanks! Not a big issue, but it'd be great if the interactive part of eclectica would support vi/emacs-style keybindings, e.g. Ctrl-p/Ctrl-n and j/k for up/down movements, as...

There's a problem with the expect mechanism, not sure at the moment what exactly since that part works fine on non-boot2docker.

Also, there's a fix for when this role is called using 'include_role'. Not sure if you want to include that or not, as it's technically a bug in Ansible.

I guess this is less a feature request as a call to see whether anyone has done this before (apologies if this is not the right venue for this): create...

Is it possible to add an empty line after a heading with mdv? The data I'm displaying looks a bit cramped otherwise...

Hiya thanks for this library, I like its usability/API a lot! Any chance to cut an official release that includes the ObservableProperty feature? It's been a while since it was...

I haven't looked too deeply in what would be involved to implement this properly, but before I do I was wondering whether you have any thoughts on this. The main...

Hi there. In the 'features' parts of the Readme it says: '...pdocs will automatically link identifiers in your docstrings to its corresponding documentation..' I haven't been able to figure out...


Hi there, it would be great if this could also support [asyncclick]( The changes involved would be fairly minimal, just replacing the click import with: ``` try: import asyncclick as...