Players tab > Manually adding a player to league After successful insertion, the roster does not update with the new player. It is being added to the list of unapproved...
Seasons Tab > All seasons > Games The new game form and edit game form after a game has been created currently allow the same team to be both the...
Players tab > assign player to team The team and player fields should have dropdowns with that show all selectable teams and players and filters them as the user types.
Players tab > View a list of all players When clicking View on the player list of a player, there is an error in console. ```Cannot read property 'teamId' of...
Players tab > assign a player to team The form does not validate for jersey, it currently allows for negative and very large numbers and should be between 0-99.
Players tab > Manually adding a new player The team dropdown is supposed to have a list of all the teams, but nothing is displayed.
Players tab > Manually add a new player to league. If the user submits an email that is a duplicate in the database, it should respond with an error. It...
We need tests to be written for server and client side. There are example tests in `server/models/__tests__` and `client/reducers/__tests__`
The view page under player registrations link under the player tab in the league dashboard needs to be styled. This could also be done in conjunction with issue #42 Any...
The assign player form needs to be improved so it can handle assigning multiple players to a single team. Currently, the assign player form only handles assigning a single player...