
Results 15 issues of makecent

My denseflow running always abort with error `Segmentation fault (core dumped)` at the middle of task. I investigated the error information, and found that it always happens when the number...

**Describe the feature** Add a `wild_backbones` folders that stores the backbones directly copied from the original papers/repositories. They are just about to work and could be maintained by any contributors....

Planned feature

## Motivation To use slowfast models with mmaction2. #1711 ## Modification Adding a mini `slowfast` package under `models/contrib`. It's copied from the [SlowFast]( and pruned to only keep neccesary components...

This PR takes the first step of #1711. Just a demo. **Motivation** If we allow wild backbones, the latest models (with code released) can be quickly adopted to mmation2. For...

Labeling smoothing is a widely used regularation method in action recognition tasks. However, currenly `label_smooth_eps` only works when the `multi-class` is toggled on (which default `False`): I suggest to...

I found that config files always contain a "evaluation" dict and a "eval_config". The `evaluation` is used in the **validation stage** : while the `eval_config` is used in the...

Fix #209


**Reproduction** ```python from mmgen.datasets.pipelines import Resize, LoadImageFromFile results = {'real_img_path': 'path-to-img/0001.jpg'} t = LoadImageFromFile(key='real_img', io_backend='disk')(results) tt = Resize(keys=['real_img'], scale=(128, 32), keep_ratio=False)(t) ``` **Bug fix** I think it's because mmcv.imresize uses...


According to the design of your CORAL framework, it is clear that the output in the penultimate layer, which has only 1 node, is proportional to the age of the...

According to the "Implementation Details" part in Section 4 of the original paper, you use the model pre-trained on the training set of ActivityNet-1.3 as the features extractor. And I...