Mert Akcakaya
Mert Akcakaya
When the user is asked for permissions and the user rejects with "don't ask again", it would be better if the slide fragment redirected the user to settings or provided...
I am using v0.0.5 of the library. After showing a splash screen, I jump to the intro and show a few slides. If I show a single slide, the background...
Hello Daniel; How can I implement a sound licensing model (at a reasonable level) using Portable.Licensing? There are few considerations about the model I am looking for: - User should...
Following unit tests show **AssertValidLicense** method throwing exceptions when invalid public keys are given. Types of exceptions change depending on the given public key string. I can add tests to...
make run fails at chapter 2. make all completed successfully and when I run make run it fails with the following message: : command not founde 35: : No such...
We are having problems with invisible mode since we need to explicitly get token before form submission and it is not easy to do that with custom policies. Azure AD...