yes, same error in Windows on users.v and demo_textbox.v. --v up Updating V... V is already updated. Current V version: V 0.3.0 d8b0df1, timestamp: 2022-07-23 01:55:17 +0300
I solved this now, just add **"mode: .multiline"** inside the ui.textbox
1. 另一个问题:关于iOS的TabBar.Item的系统自带图标, 官文文档只写了这几种:`systemIcon enum('bookmarks', 'contacts', 'downloads', 'favorites', 'featured', 'history', 'more', 'most-recent', 'most-viewed', 'recents', 'search', 'top-rated')`, 是不是就只有这么几种?
遇到一个奇怪的问题:我想要实现一个删除数据的功能,在listview里面的一行,当点击button1的时候,显示button2 (删除按钮),点button2时,就操作删除该行的数据。但是目前遇到的问题是:当成功删除数据后,再点button1, 在删除那行的上面那些行则不显示button2,而在下面的却可以显示。 ``` lineDel: {width:0} lineDelShow: {width:40} ``` 我通过宽度来操作是否显示。
> Hello, I'm using Visual Studio 2022 to compile the whisper.cpp/examples/main project, and this compilation error as shown in the figure below appears. Excuse me, how should I solve and...
这里有个解决方法: 修改node_modules/react-native-swiper/dist/index.js文件 update from ``` var _Dimensions = require('Dimensions'); var _Dimensions2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Dimensions); var _Dimensions$get = _Dimensions2['default'].get('window'); ``` to ``` var React = require('react-native'); var { Dimensions } =...