Results 49 issues of Ben Abrams

I am having an issue and I can only reproduce it in my jenkins instance so I assume its something that is related to the system, ruby, and gems installed....

Currently this only works removing sensu if there is no api auth enabled. We should support auth being passed in via ENV vars or config file.

I think there is value in being able to use this tool even without sensu or chef, I'd like to propose we only run each component if the config specifies...

Looking at the [code]( it requires the images to be publicly accessible, while much of the data we have in looker is OK to be public there is some data...

As these variables _could_ contain secrets we should make sure that this file is only accessible via the root user. If you do choose to store secrets here I would...

Type: Enhancement
Type: Security

Is it possible to somehow overwrite the umask when installing gems via sensu_gem? ## Ideal Behavior I'd like to be able to be able to specify in the resource a...

This technically belongs in uchiwa-web but it only accepts PRs and not issues. Currently this is what a check hook looks like in uchiwa: ![image]( It would be nice if...


Originally the [chef sensu plugin]( used `chef/rest` to pull information about nodes and the server for monitoring purposes, in chef 13 this was deprecated without a clear successor. As ridley...

Status: Help Wanted
Triage: Feature Request
Component: others

We can currently create privileged containers but it would be nice to have able to give it limited access as opposed to keys to the kingdom. Documentation:
