Michał Pawlik
Michał Pawlik
Thank you! This indeed seems related. On my fork I've modified `nextInterval` slightly: ```scala def nextInterval(): FiniteDuration = { val s = state if (s.tasks.nonEmpty) { val task = s.tasks.min...
Thanks for the input Adam! Can you please tell a little more about current circe approach to versionning? Is it possible that patch updates could break binary compatibility?
I agree it would be great to have circe adopt `versionScheme`. For the time being, I'm wondering if `semver-spec` isn't something that correctly describes present behavior, quoting the [sbt versionSchem...
Then I think it makes this issue basically solved :wink:
@oleg-py can you have a look please?
@lukestephenson My attempt is not coordinated. In fact, I'm considering extracting part of my PR https://github.com/monix/monix/pull/1533 to a separate library, as rewriting the whole Monix seems overwhelming. So far, when...
No worries @alexandru, initially I just wanted `FutureLift` and `CircutBreaker` as mentioned in this issue https://github.com/monix/monix/issues/1502#issuecomment-1039940726. Considering the response by @Daenyth, are those still in scope? I'm happy to help...
Implemented in https://github.com/ocadotechnology/sttp-oauth2/pull/351
Sounds good, I can raise a PR to address this
Working on my initial problem I've noticed an additional issue around `pathFormat` ```scala implicit val pathFormat: JsonFormat[os.Path] = BasicJsonProtocol.projectFormat[os.Path, HashFileInfo]( p => { if (os.isFile(p)) FileInfo.hash(p.toIO) else // If the...