Павел "Malo" Скрылёв

Results 38 comments of Павел "Malo" Скрылёв

@jkowens yes, because that models isn't at the top of the import trees. And I start the proceeding from a models, which is on the top of the import tree.

@jkowens If you will properly process the has_many/belongs to pairs it will not lead to recursion, because it will not walk over already proceeded relations,

@antpaw that was compiled with a compat layer, just renamed.

@antpaw updated

@antpaw This is protected admin area that can't be reached by a xss attack anyway. How it is protected, by what?

> If you have the attribute disabled set on the form elements, they will not send their values to the controller in the first place. @antpaw yes, but, this does...

@antpaw the `delete` feature just require that authentication by validating the scrf-token. So in order to remove a record, rails just makes sure that you are admin... by-the-way protected attributes...

Here I'll put fixups... dont close the branch

Yes, I'll use git force.