Majid Golshadi

Results 26 comments of Majid Golshadi

@tolitius I want to run Hazelcast like a service and in order, to monitor, it's behavior I want to use hface so after clone Hazelcast from Github add this dependency...

Hello @tolitius Thank you for response * why clone Hazelcast? I cloned to add `hface` dependency in. I want to have each node with hface monitoring functionality * where and...

@tolitius Thank you very much

That's sound strange. As you can see in library we use observer design pattern to get from any worker how log does it download from what part that is assign...

You use these methods in a wrong way As you can see [**onDownloadProcess**]( method gave you percentage and downloaded file size. You can use them instead of your way.

Did you check that on handheld device or on an emulator?

@fanOfDemo I'm really sorry to make you feel bad. I keep this Issue open to help other if this code is not useful use your opinion lib instead.