Ah I found out why, I didn't make a rectangular selection, just had columns.
Sure, it's Since many of these rate pdfs have more than 1 data table for page, can we specify multiple data boxes per single pdf page? The trick is...
Just an idea, one can do this with google spreadsheet IMPORTHTML function to extract tables from a webpage. **Sample Usage** `IMPORTHTML("","table",4)` `IMPORTHTML(A2,B2,C2)`
The reason for implicitly viewing data is automation. I have thousands of PDF links to different sites to manage. Perhaps there can be a separate link for extracting the data...
Hi @vinayak-mehta, I love this development and have supported it 👍(planning to do more also) just wondering if you think the steps below could be included? 1. Excalibur re-downloads the...
I suppose we'd have to build the slack modal support ourselves via,%22title%22:%7B%22type%22:%22plain_text%22,%22text%22:%22My%20App%22,%22emoji%22:true%7D,%22submit%22:%7B%22type%22:%22plain_text%22,%22text%22:%22Submit%22,%22emoji%22:true%7D,%22close%22:%7B%22type%22:%22plain_text%22,%22text%22:%22Cancel%22,%22emoji%22:true%7D,%22blocks%22:%5B%5D%7D
Actually maybe because I changed the column name, didn't expect the script to follow the column title!
Can't wait for this feature! Would be nice to have option to name base file name such as BaseFileName-SheetName1.csv BaseFileName-SheetName2.csv
Another way to lowercase header: `awk 'NR==1{$0=tolower($0)} 1' input.csv > output.csv`
I'm not seeing any resolution to this issue (and I went through all the referenced cases which lead me to homebrew). I'm on CentOS7 and I can't upgrade to pg11...