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2D OpenGL Render Library in haxe/lime - old origin version
Peote View - 2D OpenGL Render Library
old origin version from 2018
Note: This is the origin version of peote-view that needs some older haxe (3) and Lime (6) versions to run.
The new (remastered;) and up to date repository is here -> peote-view
haxelib git peote-view-origin
Please look here for samples -> peote-view-origin-samples
Why this tool ?
- handle imagedata and procedural shadercode equally
- the power of haxe-lime multiplatform code generation ( haxe -> cpp+js+.+..+... )
- better sync over network by element-indices (to avoid deep object-serialization)
- simplifying opengl-usage (using power of 3d accelerated hardware in other Dimensions;)
- transition-rendering by gpu to reduce datatransfer (more time for game-logic on cpu)
Names to wrapp around opengl
"Displaylist" contains "Element"s
"Element" use of "Program" / "Image"
"Program" use of "Texture" / custom shader code
"Texture" contains "Image"s
"Image" pixels ;)
You will be able to display "massive" graphic elements and use your own shadercode for variation, animation or combining Imagedata!
How to use
This API was original designed for easy network-sync, so all items are accessible by an index.
(could change in future versions!)
First Steps
peoteView = new PeoteView();
texture: 0, // texture index
slots: 16, // amount of image-slots
w: 512, // slot width
h: 512 // slot height
image: 0, // image index
texture: 0, // texture to store image-data inside
filename: "pixel.png" // image filename or url to load image from
program: 0, // program index
texture: 0 // images stored here can be used by element
displaylist: 0, // displaylist index
maxElements: 100 // maximum elements to display
element: 0, // element index
displaylist: 0, // displaylist to put in
program: 0, // shader (+texture) to use
image: 0 // image number
Parameters in Detail
0) Initialize
peoteView = new PeoteView({
maxDisplaylists: 10,
maxPrograms: 50,
maxTextures: 50,
maxImages: 100
// TODO: onError: function(errorcode, msg) {}
1) Textures
A Texture reserves space on GPU-Ram for storing Images into same sized Slots.
// --------------------- TEXTURE -------------------- //
texture: 0, // texture index
slots: 16, // minimum amount of slots to reserve ( default is 1 )
w: 512, // slot width
h: 512, // slot height
Created Texturesize depends on Hardware (2048 up to 16384) and will be power of 2.
Check peoteView.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE to see whats possible on your hardware.
### 2) Image-Data
Images holds url- or file-referenz, where imagedata will be "load on demand", so
if some element use an image, it's data will be load into free Image-Slot of assigned Texture.
// --------------------- IMAGE ----------------------- //
image: 0, // image index
texture: 0, // texture to store image-data inside
filename: "assets/font.png", // image filename or url to load image from
preload: true, // load images into texture, no matter of usage
// default behaivor: Image is loaded on first use of element
// to disable automatic insert into free texture-slot:
// ---------------------------------------------------
slot: 0, // manual set texture-slot to load image in
// all images of same texture should define or not define this parameter
// image fitting and aligning inside texture-slot:
// -----------------------------------------------
fit: "in", // "in", "out" or "exact" fitting loaded image into slot size
// or set position/size directly to create own texture-atlas:
// ----------------------------------------------------------
x: 10, // Position from left
y: 10, // Position from top
w: 100, // new image width
h: 100, // new image height
keep: true, // keep existing pixels in slot (for fit:"in" this works to)
r: 0.5, g:0, b:0, a:0.9 // background colors/alpha for border if not exactly fit
### 3) Program
opengl-shadercode and textures that can be use in fragment-shader
var iteration = [10];
var somefloats = [2.0, 3.14, 4.1];
// --------------------- PROGRAM --------------------------- //
program: 0, // program index
vshader: "assets/lyapunov_01.vert", // custom vertex shader
fshader: "assets/lyapunov_01.frag", // custom fragment shader
texture: 0, // all images stored inside this texture can be used
// textures:[0,2,1,4] // to combine multiple textures with own shadercode
// max 7 aditional textures available per program
vars: [ "iteration" => iteration, // custom uniform variable bindings for this program
"somefloat" => somefloats
### 4) Displaylist
rectangular screen-areas to display lots of elements
// ------------------------- DISPLAYLIST -------------- //
displaylist: 0, // displaylist index
type:DisplaylistType.RGBA, // can be combination of .PICKING .ANIM .ROTATION...
maxElements: 100, // maximum elements to set up via setElement()
// gpu-buffer segmentation (can be potimized for better render performance)
// maximum number of displayable elements is product of these values:
bufferSegmentSize: 10 // number of elements per segment that shares the same program (one draw-call)
bufferSegments: 10, // how much segments of these size will be reserved
x: 150, // pixels from left border
y: 50, // pixels from top border
w: 1000, // width
h: 1000, // height
z: 0, // z-order
r: 0.5, g:0, b:0, a:0.9 // background colors/alpha
//renderToTexture: true, // render content into a texture every frame
//texture:0, // texture index to use (should have same width and height)
//zoom:1 // zoom level (2.0 is double sized, 0.5 half size)
//pivotX:0 // x center of zoom
//pivotY:0 // y center of zoom
enable: true
### 5) Element
little Graphic inside Displaylist-Area (like a c64-sprite)
// ----------------------- ELEMENT --------------------- //
element: 0, // element index
displaylist: 0, // displaylist to put in
program: 0, // shader (+texture) to use
// Position and Size ---------------
x: 10, // pixels from left displaylist border
y: 10, // pixels from top displaylist border
w: 100, // width
h: 100, // height
z: 0, // z-order ( 0 <= z <= 32767 )
rotation:45 // rotation in degrees (clockwise)
pivotX:0, // x center of rotation
pivotY:0, // y center of rotation
rgba:0xff0000ff // color (multiply)
// (for animation -> see samples)
// Texture Mapping ---------------
image: 0, // image number
// slot: 0, // or set texture-slot manual
// without image+slot parameter -> full texturespace
tile: 0, // (0..255) texture coordinates will be splittet into 16x16 tiles
// tx, ty, // manual setting texture-coordinate position inside texture(-slot)
// tw ,th // manual setting texture-coordinates size
To use from javascript look here -> [peoteView.js](
### How to optimize render-loop:
- order displaylists functional: 1) game-gfx, 2) user-interface (DisplaylistType.PICK to interact with Elements)
- elements with same program will be drawn fastest (throught opengl drawarray)
- use only 1 bufferSegment in Displaylist if there is only one program
- for nested animations use "renderToTexture" in Displaylists