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FoE Helfer - Extension for chromium based browsers
May I ask your help: Is there anyway in InfoBox or in any other tool with-in Foe Helper toolset to see if someone donated/added FPS to my GBs ? Explanation:...
Will jetzt nicht mehrere Themen dafür aufmachen.. Gestern und heute nochmal kam die Meldung, dass der foehelfer geupdatet werden kann. Hab ich natürlich gemacht. 1) im GG ist mir vorhin...
Please allow me to suggest some improvements: 1. [Done] This window can't be resized. Please allow it. I can't see all of the units I need to see (on third...
An idea for "improvement" in the FP-calculator: Could You create a feature which tags safe slots differently from unsafe slots? Something like **Myname Ark p5(1) p4(10) P3(67)** meaning that _P3...
Ist es möglich auf die Daten die FOE helper sammelt mit anderen Skripten zuzugreifen? Momentan würde ich gerne mit Python abfangen können wenn in FOE in einem Channel eine Nachricht...
Nothing major, just logging the issue... I'm using the new City Planner Tool, I'm on the US server and went to The import part worked perfectly, great job on...
Im JSON- und CSV-Export wäre es hilfreich, wenn man auch noch das player_id berücksichtigen kann. Der Name ist vergänglich, da der Spieler ihn immer wieder ändern kann.
Can you add a population counter to city builder please. When I add or remove buildings, I need to recalculate my population to know if I have enough for another...
It would be great to be able to see a rough estimate, when the next level of the Castle system will be reached. Since there are many moving parts, I...
### ENGLISH: The following list contains ideas that are asked very often, but will not be implemented: **1.) Old features** All features that have been in the helper before, but...