Can you confirm the amount of space that you have available inside your container can you run " df -B 1G / " inside the container ( Any of Running...
could you please post the dockerfile you are using @tsvirs
I mean "Dockerfile" Location of the file - OracleDatabase/SingleInstance/dockerfiles/19.3.0/Dockerfile
I think it has not happened on a clean install. script is only not created if an oraInventory is already present. Is there any cached or dangling image ?
$ docker builder prune This removes build cache . Run this command and try building the image again
Are you available for a call on zoom ?
check the size of " " file and make sure the file is properly downloaded . could you paste the md5 sum here .
We now have a checkpoint file , which if exists denotes database has been created successfully . We didn't had this earlier . So before upgrading from older image to...
This issue is not because of commit 67bff66 Its just a flag to either remove datafiles , create new database or Start database with existing datafiles
It doesn't looks like 8813321 commit is causing the above error