more examples from today: todays message by one user ``` time="2021-08-17T13:23:51+02:00" level=debug msg="== Receiving xmpp.Chat{Remote:"[email protected]/mkyral", Type:"groupchat", Text:"Pěkné. Sice kategoricky nesouhlasím s hodnocením Geocachingu, ale budiž Mirkovi odpuštěno :-D Kolik míst...
and one more today's ``` time="2021-08-17T13:26:23+02:00" level=debug msg=PING func=func1 file="bridge/xmpp/xmpp.go:256" prefix=xmpp time="2021-08-17T13:27:02+02:00" level=debug msg="== Receiving xmpp.Chat{Remote:"[email protected]/mkyral", Type:"groupchat", Text:"Znám. Rodinka bývá občas netrpělivá a dokonce si dovoluje odporovat :-D", Subject:"", Thread:"",...
I'm downgrading to 1.18.3 for the time being as the other case suggests it wasn't problem in that version.
@42wim this is still happening in latest release, seen it twice today. The case you linked I believe fixed only edits to jabber side, but not from jabber. It only...
@rasperepodvipodvert Could you be a little bit more specific how did you exactly bridge it? Your link gives "Invalid webhook request - GET not supported" How does you config look...
I would really appreciate it as well, moved to LOS 19.1 recently and got bitten by this as it worked on A10 before. If anyone can come up with workaround...
Is there a way how to export it from console? Seems I don't have that older logs anymore, so will try to repeat next weekend. Please note all four apps...
Ok, but how do I export it? I can see log, but don't see way how to get that data out.
Recently updated old (back up) phone after 3 months and it was really painful waiting for all the downloads each at once. This is definitely something which would improve UX...
Fucking amazing!!! > button is currently pretty ugly Who cares anyway :)