Mahbubur Rahman Khan

Results 7 comments of Mahbubur Rahman Khan

Why need send button enable actually. Just send directly when voice record completed. MessageInput EditText has many dependency like isTyping and stopTyping. and send button has linked with MessageInput.

Ok thanks for quick response. But in my scenario, I already disable Sunday, when first load day picker. Because weekly off day has to matter in my app. I already...

library version I am using, **ca.antonious:materialdaypicker:0.7.3**

Its may be proground rules in release mode. In my case, `-keep class ca.antonious.*.* { *; }` in **** solve the problem.

why jitpack version not working.... could not found

When in recycleview link fetch every time when scroll. So I also use a static map to hold url with metadata and check if previous url already successfully fetch for...