my startup log PS C:\Users\magon\Desktop\e621-docker-master> docker-compose up [+] Running 6/6 - Container e621-docker-master_es_1 Started 5.2s - Container e621-docker-master_memcached_1 Started 4.9s - Container e621-docker-master_redis_1 Started 4.7s - Container e621-docker-master_sql_1 Started 5.2s...
is there a way to wirelessly control the pi4 with this installed?
the error prompt [2023-10-05 09:59:29 +0200] [18169] [INFO] Running on (CTRL + C to quit) [2023-10-05 09:59:34,250] ERROR in app: Exception on request GET / Traceback (most recent call...