Mitchell Skaggs

Results 65 issues of Mitchell Skaggs

Currently usernames are linked by searching for the Minecraft username in the Discord server and replacing the username with the Discord mention tag. This works for people who have usernames...

help wanted

The Apache HTTP package should be replaced with a more modern HTTP client such as OkHttp or the built-in Android dependencies. Additionally, Dagger 2 could be used to inject a...


I wish to be able to connect to my local computer easily using its mDNS name. Unfortunately, this it not natively supported in Android. It may be possible to use...

Okay, so this is a little confusing since it was completely unexpected to me, but in short: the behavior changes if you supply `remap=true` to a certain mixin even though...


Running this command: ``` aria2c ``` fails after redirecting with an HTTP 403 error. Setting the User Agent to Firefox and limiting concurrent downloads to 1 (`--user-agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT...

Closes #43, closes #30 This allows users to use the ChipsLayoutManger with the FlexibleAdapter library.

To allow this layout manager to be used with the FlexibleAdapter library, it must implement IFlexibleLayoutManager davideas/FlexibleAdapter#302. This can be a `provided` dependency and not used unless FlexibleAdapter is present.

You can use some of the Guava caches [here]( to optimize your confetto recycling and limit the number of active confetti on-screen. This should be completely configurable, since some devices...

After trying to figure out why my metrics chart wasn't showing and finding that it wasn't using the API properly, I discovered that I was not running the "latest" version...

When skipping forward past the halfway point in a certain audio file, playback stops and advances to the next song. ~~An example ([legal]( song exhibiting this behavior: [1-02 Mustin -...