It would be beneficial to people using this library for image processing if it supported different bit depths and structures. For the time being, I have modified the code so...
I thought it would be a nice idea to set up a few Wiki pages or write an in-depth README for people trying to use this software with ROS. While...
Greetings, I am writing a Robot Operating System (ROS) wrapper for this library and have been running into some issues. I suspect the issues I have are thread and/or network...
Greetings, The Jacobian function in the icp.ipynb file on line "In [14]" uses the derivative of the rotation matrix at a constant angle of zero rather than the derivative of...
Greetings, I had a question about estimating the Covariance/Information matrix of the resulting transform in order to use the ICP algorithm as a front end for graph SLAM. I noticed...
Because the vehicle drives autonomously in the road_following.ipynb example, it is imperative to add safety features to it. As of right now, the only way to stop the vehicle is...