win10 1809 1.29.1(user setup), 重新安装vsc后出现和楼上相同的错误
TODO: Modify `PKGBUILD` (I forgot it) Completed, now its time for me to sleep
> > At this time, any package build try in a claen chroots will result in fail if it have any make dependent packages not in group 'base-devel'. > >...
> > > At this time, any package build try in a claen chroots will result in fail if it have any make dependent packages not in group 'base-devel'. >...
已知的坑 1. 缺少curl 2. 用Magisk模块curl for android, 发现根证书找不到无法建立https连接
目前只能安装termux, 用termux里的curl把 [](里的第149行和第169行的`curl`替换为`/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/curl`