Wojciech Figat
Wojciech Figat
**Issue description:** When populating nested material the parameters don't have their attributes preserved (probably need to copy parameters `Meta` data). **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Create material A 2. Add parameter...
When importing model file as prefab we could detect which meshes are instances (maybe importer OpenFBX or Assimp could help deduct that). Then we should optimize eimporting to produce less...
Implement reading local lights and cameras (possibly with camera track animations) when importing model (via OpenFBX and Assimp). Then, put those objects into a model imported as Prefab with matching...
When importing model file as prefab we assume all meshes are static, but also import any animations from the source file. The importer should check if mesh uses blend indices...
Use https://github.com/Tryibion/FlaxPerformanceTest as a reference test point and spawn 10k cubes in the root of the scene. Editor UI update and draw performance should be perfectly stable thus we need...
Here is a list of some possible tasks for Flax Community contributors. Feel free to pick them up and submit PRs! ### Editor - [ ] https://github.com/FlaxEngine/FlaxEngine/issues/295 - [x] https://github.com/FlaxEngine/FlaxEngine/issues/1136...
Add missing video backend for Linux platform. Find a good lib or 3rd party plugin for `.mp4` files loading (eg. [minimp4](https://github.com/lieff/minimp4)), then decode `h.254` video frames into `YUV` format (engine...
Add support for using `Global SDF` to render shadow for Sky Light. This should reduce sky-light leaking into interiors and improve ambient lighting. Global SDF usage in shaders: https://docs.flaxengine.com/manual/graphics/models/sdf.html#shaders Example...