Wojciech Figat
Wojciech Figat
We did many fixes last year for actors to properly initialize transformation data in case someone spawns them from code and adds to the level after some operations so I...
As we've migrated to .NET 7, `Flax.VS` extension is not unused (in-built dotnet debugger is better and works with the latest C#).
Added **Canvas Scaler** control in https://github.com/FlaxEngine/FlaxEngine/commit/d09dfd1f613c007911d999ac398ba82bc228a5df which implements this feature but also adds more functionalities (constant UI scale, DPI-based scaling, etc.). It should be fairly enough to properly scale game...
Fixed when we switched to .NET 7
Actually, I did some tests and fixes some issues in 74a69b8f132fd7591c572dcd63b9aed77568f8d0. Now it works nicely when running game from any Unicode path.
UWP platform is now deprecated. We use GDK for Xbox native support now.
Fixed in 1.8
Rich Text Box supports HTML tags: https://docs.flaxengine.com/manual/ui/controls/rich-text-box.html
We've got many improvements to stability and lower-perf usage of Editor which solved this: e06200926f474597e433b3f24d8f18dcdf507439 + da149d32cf7bb5f110252f4f7f80e210edfd1841. Finally, Editor will reduce FPS and usage when not focused (can be configured...
We've got some improvements to prevent crashing when GPU driver doesn't support a specific shader in 7e81fdbd758fab7c089b1dcc47f3b7c81cd384cd.