Wojciech Figat
Wojciech Figat
Updated UI for selected engine version (will be the next Launcher update):  Updated UI for projects to include engine version that was used last time to open the project:...
Hmm Object Index is `-1` so it picks the first animation from the file and maybe it was a ref pose. I added selecting the longest animation as default one...
Added in acd338981c68ffe74fcc44835a58be054c15844d.
Font Asset has options for Bold/Italic/AntiAliasing: https://docs.flaxengine.com/manual/ui/fonts/index.html#font-properties
Yeah, it's global option in asset applying to all usages of that font asset in project.
I have no idea how to properly import those enormals in OpenFBX. Probably using Autodesk FBX SDK would help. I hope someone else has an idea. Thx for adding sample...
Fixed in #2672
I like this idea. What about doing this for `2.0`? Ofc with some support period for old APIs before removal.
Thanks for this PR! It's very big and it will take more time to review, merge and test code so I move it for future. Consider splitting it into smaller...
That's just utility API that is stripped in Release builds so we could even have 2 apis. But let's have open discussion here.