Wojciech Figat
Wojciech Figat
I'm not sure the exact cause of it - probably will need to run some address sanitizer or other tool to debug memory access on Linux. I did quick fix...
I tested with the latest master and it works correctly - Editor Plugin Clone window properly adds `options.PublicDependencies.Add("Fudgets");` into `Game.Build.cs`.
I was unable to reproduce it on Windows with `GeForce RTX 2080 Ti` and VulkanSDK `` (branch `1.8`). Maybe Linux specific.
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with NVIDIA 840M and Vulkan 1.3 - also works fine. Wierd.
Latest Ubuntu with NVidia also produces invalid Validation Cache object. It works fine on macOS/iOS (MoltenVK) and Android and Windows so it's Linux-specific issue. I disabled thus cache in e835b256375689807e7facd30b810ee2f783a742...
Have you tried using a structure passed to the graph with all transitions - I'm aware there might be a lot states required to handle but with `Any` state you...
Centralized and open-source editor plugins repository?
It works fine to me when I try to use interface from a different module. Be sure to include plugin with that interface inside `*.Build.cs` of the module that uses...
Should the same be applied to rotation and scale? (instance transformation preserved over the prefab values for the prefab actor root) What if prefab gets modified default scale and applied...
Okay, let's preserve the local changes to the whole transformation of the root actor (unless it uses default, then prefab value can be used - eg. for the scale).