Please visit the BetterDiscord support server so we can troubleshoot this further
Have you already determined if this is a BetterDiscord issue and not a plugin issue?
Reinstall BD
Does it happen without the plug-in
Does it happen without the theme, and what theme is it so I can test tomorrow?
You can use this as a temporary solution. This goes in your Custom CSS. ```css html.platform-osx .typeMacOS-3V4xXE { position: absolute; width: unset; } .channelTabs-tabContainer::before { content:''; height: 100%; width: 72px;...
The plugin still functions as normal, this only affects the indicator that's supposed to appear in the server list
This is most likely a plugin issue rather than BetterDiscord, try asking in the BetterDiscord support server
> > And no, for some reason the latest version isn't being pushed automatically. Perhaps Strencher hasn't pushed the update yet for some > > Nope there's no pushing needed....
Duplicate of #216