Manikantha Sekhar
Manikantha Sekhar
Hi @abdullahselek , I had run your code by running first command its work fine and created the ckpts folder when i am running the classifier command i was unable...
Hi @anujshah1003 , While i am trying to run the command **"python"** getting an error **"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt4'"** and tried a lot commands to install pyqt in...
Hi @ashaywalke Which python version is supported for this project i faced a lot of issues while done with python3 and i was unable to install cStringIO, re ,csv ,pdfminer,...
Hi @mbleigh @jeremydurham @sheepmaster @rafikhan @jamesdaniels I had an tflite model which is locally placed and doing operation now i want to call it from the server like firebase ml...
Hi @surbhitkapoor , This is the error which I got after running the command to prepare the data PYTHONPATH=".:$PYTHONPATH" python qgen/ Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "qgen/", line...
Hi @PoorvaRane @yanghoonkim , I am getting an error while running the Test Model Error:- **UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xed' in position 25: ordinal not in range(128) python2.7**...
Hi , This is Manikantha , actually I am using ActiveQA Github repository to generate questions and answers actually right now i am looking for a checkpoints for Selector Training...
Hi @kocolosk @rmg @xuhdev @jjasghar @MLnick , I had clone this repository and run this command **sudo docker run -it -p 5000:5000 codait/max-question-answering** i had got display a page in...
Hi @chen0040 , I am running your code while running python i am getting an error **"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keras_question_and_answering_system'"** but this keras_question_and_answering_system is a folder name i...
Hi @howardvickers , its very useful content but it is in incomplete so what i have to do for complete the full version what actually i had did is i...