MAX-Question-Answering copied to clipboard
Hi @kocolosk @rmg @xuhdev @jjasghar @MLnick , I had clone this repository and run this command sudo docker run -it -p 5000:5000 codait/max-question-answering i had got display a page in the web browser like
In post section i am getting the response through swagger and i am getting the result..
but http://localhost:5000/model/predict its not working its showing an error message like
now i want to display in separate page and i want it as separate API. and also can you explain the process of execution from starting..
Thanks and Regards, Manikantha Sekhar...
Please follow the instructions for testing on the command line using curl
curl -X POST "http://localhost:5000/model/predict" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"paragraphs\": [{ \"context\": \"John lives in Brussels and works for the EU\", \"questions\": [\"Where does John Live?\",\"What does John do?\",\"What is his name?\" ]},{ \"context\": \"Jane lives in Paris and works for the UN\", \"questions\": [\"Where does Jane Live?\",\"What does Jane do?\" ]}]}"
If you want to see a full example of how to use this as an API e.g. via a Python web app, see:
@MLnick , Thank you so much for the reply now i am checking with Web-app side if any issues i will let you know.
Thanks and Regards, Manikantha Sekhar.
@MLnick @kocolosk @rmg @xuhdev , While i am trying to run file after build the docker i am getting an error like
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: assets/vocab.txt; No such file or directory i was confused to find the vocab.txt actually while building the docker file its downloaded the model_file=assets.tar.gz but i was unable to find that file bellow screenshot shows about the docker built
can you rectify the issue i an one knows about the issue.....
Thanks and Regards, Manikantha Sekhar...
If you remove cache (docker rmi max-question-answering
), you should see that assets/vocab.txt
is there:
Step 10/12 : RUN if [ "$use_pre_trained_model" = "true" ] ; then sha512sum -c sha512sums.txt ; else if [ -d "./custom_assets/" ] ; then rm -rf ./assets && ln -s ./custom_assets ./assets ; fi fi
---> Running in e45ce037d7f0
assets/max_qa_model/saved_model.pb: OK
assets/max_qa_model/variables/ OK
assets/max_qa_model/variables/variables.index: OK
assets/vocab.txt: OK
Removing intermediate container e45ce037d7f0
---> 9a748cc441a3
@xuhdev , Thank you for your response as per your reply i run the command line sudo docker rmi max-question-answering but i got an error like
can you tell me reason what happens and also i had a doubt that as per the instruction give in the and after deploying the model its suggested to how to use the model by going to the particular url like http://localhost:5000/model/predict to test the json file but while i am running this url in the browser i am getting an error like
can you explain y??
Thanks and Regrads, Manikantha Sekhar..
First question: You need to run docker rmi -f max-question-answering
because a container is using this image.
Second question: Visit http://localhost:5000