Results 117 comments of Mark Adler

It looks like you already know to use `inflateInit2()` with `15+32` in order to auto-detect the format. What you're looking for is already built into zlib's inflate.

You can specify the number of threads using `-p`, so perhaps you can use the output of `numactl` to deduce the number of available cores and feed that to the...

I have considered adding multi-threaded compression to zlib. However I'm not sure what sort of interface people would be looking for. What do you imagine the interface would look like?

Similar how? More importantly, different how? How would the multi-threading be controlled? I would like to have a specific design for the interface with some level of consensus from potential...

Parallel compression needs much more memory than single-thread compression, both for large data buffers and for the multiple compression engines themselves. gzwrite does not need to do anything right away....

By the way, this would only be for compression. Decompression would be single-thread.

So I just add these files, and then, magic? Are there any settings or permissions on GitHub needed? I think I have turned off appveyor.

Pull requests need to be on develop, not master. @nmoinvaz Can you resubmit?