Mad Cow

Results 20 issues of Mad Cow

Creating a tree fails if the set of points contains about 500 or more points with a distance of 0: ```py import vptree vptree.VPTree([1] * 500, lambda a, b: a-b)...

Recent updates have replaced the `width` and `height` parameters with `min_width`, `grow_x`, and others. A lot of code in Rio itself still uses the old-style parameters though, thus leading to...

Rio already comes with infrastructure to handle assets. They're hosted for as long as they're needed, and released once all references have been dropped. This infrastracture also currently handles images....

needs discussion

Some components need to display additional pop-up information when interacting with the user. For example, `Dropdowns` only show their options if currently selected. The same is true for `rio.DateInput` and...


Rio automatically spawns ``, ``, ... elements when using `style="heading..."`. However, this doesn't work when using custom headings. Detect custom styling as headings (e.g. size >=2) as heading and spawn...


Having a new browser window open each time when `rio run` is executed can be quite annoying, especially for projects that necessitate frequent restarts. Add a way to prevent this...

ideas wanted

Styling `rio.Text` always requires instantiating a separate `rio.TextStyle`. This gets annoying real fast. Add an overload so that one can either pass a `TextStyle` or pass the styling values directly....


As it stands, multi line text inputs are awkward to use. By default they are (vertically) small, only fitting in very little text. This requires scrolling in any but the...


When displaying images, it's often hard to size them correctly. If not setting both `width` and `height`, the size of the image collapses, not taking up enough space. But when...

ideas wanted
new feature

Guards are currently passed the current session, as well as a list of active pages. This differs from a lot of other, similar situations, where we pass classes storing all...
