Results 3 issues of Macro

网盘资源文件中下载的 14:44)的这个版本,进入到输入姓名界面,在输入框中按下键盘任意键就报错退出了,弹出信息如下: 问题签名: 问题事件名称: APPCRASH 应用程序名: kys.exe 应用程序版本: 应用程序时间戳: 5f6afdb3 故障模块名称: opencc.dll 故障模块版本: 故障模块时间戳: 5b6536ff 异常代码: c0000005 异常偏移: 000000000002a19d OS 版本: 6.1.7601. 区域设置 ID: 2052 其他信息 1: 5f0e...

East Asian languages ​​(such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) usually take up the size of two English characters. If you don’t deal with it specially, when you use the ‘align’...

Building ... fs.js:136 throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); ^ TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK]: Callback must be a function at maybeCallback (fs.js:136:9) at Object.writeFile (fs.js:1182:14) at saveCompletion (/Users/admin/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Nodejs/tools/doc_builder.js:22:6) at createCompletions (/Users/admin/Library/Application Support/Sublime...