Undo as a feature would be very welcome either as a core feature or as a plugin. macosxguru
To murky the waters a bit, it worked fine on my system. Updated fine here. macosxguru
This gets handled with your new **Deselect** now command, right? macosxguru
Ahhh. The Total Commander behavior is nice. macosxguru
Michael, you better get to work. ;) macosxguru
Don't stress. There are no time limits on the 114 open issues. The crashing bugs though need attention. So good work. macosxguru
Never made a pull request. Will see how this turns out. macosxguru
Okay way in to the deep end. Have no idea what I am doing. Sorry. I have no idea how to do this. So, help. macosxguru
On the Mac, if there are Function keys to be used, Mac users are used to pressing Fn to get that behavior. It is only the geeks like Richard and...
It is not critical. Leave it be for the time being. You have more important things to do. ;)