Michael Cook (mackal)
Michael Cook (mackal)
No, you just need it
Because that's not how it's suppose to work. Without changing the spell data, it should work as I said. I haven't actually look far enough into fixing, why I opened...
Make sure you don't break bard songs! (main reason I haven't bothered)
Okay, so it looks like from the details I can gleam from the client, bards have special behavior here. The NOEXPENDREAGENT for bards is kind of just convention and doesn't...
> Was this tested thoroughly in game? I got in game and ran around did combat etc
I think it would be best to just update everything and keep on track better making sure we don't go years out of date.
Tried this on RoF2 on PEQ, my guild has 265 player, I got no errors, but I also didn't appear to get a message on other toons :P
Can you describe how it should work for each situation? Like when you break by x pet should clear aggro and be removed from aggro lists or whatever.
Well yes, but I didn't feel like fixing this right this second so I opened an issue.
Found another breaking change, sol2 binds the usertype's constructors to a new function, I think PEQ had a single use of this, which is easy to fix.