Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker
Nope, just found this project (over a year ago now) looking for a Knex mocking library.
Thanks. I tried creating over there.
The problem likely is that the package requires ESLint 2/3, but you (and anyone else using ESlint nowadays) are running ESLint 4. You can check if this is a problem...
Regarding: >Meaning: >An auto-mode that detects (no rocket since, rather simple: are there „mostly“ linebreaks between the object/array members/css selectors or not?) and then reinforces that on any minor inconsistencies......
@dmassi I think that was an excellent defense of all of Prettiers lack of customization, not just destructuring objects, and we both agree that Prettier is really great. However, I...
@duailibe I've read it, and I feel my post speaks to its deficiencies. Prettier is two things conflated: an _incredible_ formatting a tool, and an opinion on how everyone should...
Just a quick comment from the peanut gallery: I've been combining Underscore's contains with Underscore.string's (using type detection) for months now, and it works great! I was actually going to...
It's more than a year later, but this is still a good idea. There should be no need for everyone to roll their own "contains" when Underscore string could very...
Just to make things easier, here are revised versions of ltrim/rtrim/trim (yes I know I _could_ make a pull request, but I'm feeling lazy, and at least I did the...
Awesome, glad I could help improve the library :-)