
Results 11 comments of clay

Just comment out the internet conmection code....see if it is work or not

@vicky23112004 just type bash

No, if u want to remove daily limit, you must have to buy api for that

commands already given there just type: sudo bash

@jpaquit as it need sudo because requirements tools will be installed if not found like hashcat, pdfid etc as it needs sudo priv to install

@Zer0x3a @Mrpolack as i am working on New-RAT soon will be uploaded....stay tuned

@fumao123 1st ping the ngrok link and now use that ip ....

@bestierr check Readme Note

@aman-ji-gupta Did u listen on the specified port? contact me on telegram

@aman-ji-gupta To get reverse shell type nc -lvnp {yourport} and then run the exe file To Join Telegram: